Dr. Michelle Kay Crossley

Michelle Crossley
Department, Office, or School
Department of Counseling, Educational Leadership, and School Psychology
Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
  • Associate Professor


Ph.D. 2007-2013   North Carolina State University   Counseling and Counselor Education

M.S. 2002-2005   Northeastern University   College Student Development and Counseling

B.S. 1996-2001   Northeastern University   Athletic Training

Professional Associations

American Counseling Association

American Mental Health Counselors Association

Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
     Board of Directors
     Pet Loss Grief Specialist Coordinator
     Newsletter Editor

Association for Counselor Education and Supervision

National Board of Certified Counselors

North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education & Supervision (NARACES)

Rhode Island Mental Health Counselors Association

Selected Publications

Crossley, M. (2019). Emerging clinical issues: Ways to trans*form your practice. The Advocate Magazine, 42(3), 15-16.

Crossley, M. (2018). Integrative veterinary care. APLB Quarterly Newsletter, 21(2), 10.

Crossley, M. (2018). Bringing home baby. APLB Quarterly Newsletter, 21(3), 9.

Outing, K. B., Burton, D., McLean, C. F., & Crossley, M. K. (2011). First Year College at North Carolina State University: A major/career decision-making model for undecided students. Exploring the Evidence: Career Development for Students in Transition. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition.

Pet loss and human bereavement: A phenomenological study of attachment and the grieving process

Selected Presentations
Crossley, M. (2019, March). Navigating gender identity with clients: Comprehensive care for mental health professionals. Invited all day presentation at The Ray Conference Center, Butler Hospital Campus for The Providence Center Outpatient Clinicians, Providence, RI.

Crossley, M. (2019, March). Gender affirming strategies in schools. Invited presentation to RI Student Assistance Services clinicians and supervisors, Warwick, RI.

Crossley, M. (2019, April). Navigating gender identity with clients: Expanding practices for mental health professionals. Invited presentation for RIMHCA (3 CEUs), Warwick, RI.

Crossley, M. (2015). Unmerited Grief: The Role of Pet Loss in the Counseling Process. RI Mental Health Counselor鈥檚 Association, Cranston, RI.

Crossley, M., Franklin, K., and Jones, J. (2012). Getting your Crew to the Victory Lap (pre-conference workshop). National Academic Advising Association Region 3 Conference, Charlotte, NC.

Crossley, M. K. (2008). Understanding Transgeneration X Students (session participants eligible for NBCC credit). National Academic Advising Association Region 3 Conference, Columbia, SC.

Kene, P., Crossley, M. & Tavares, J. (2018, April). Suicide risk assessment and intervention: A survey of mental health providers. Poster session presented at the annual conference for the American Association of Suicidology, Washington, DC.

Kene, P., Crossley, M. & Boisvert, C. (2018, September). Innovative training methods to implement evidenced-based clinical interventions. Poster session presented at the regional conference for the North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, Burlington, VT.

McLean, C. F & Crossley, M. K. (2012). Enhancing the Retention of 鈥淩edeciding鈥 First Generation College Students: A Strength-based Approach to Career Counseling. NC Counseling Association Conference, Greensboro, NC.

Meisenhimer, M., Nassar-McMillan, S., & Crossley, M. K. (2009). Under the Veil: A Case Study of Gender Identity Negotiation. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.

Outing, K. & Crossley, M. K. (2007). Assessing Non-Academic Factors to Improve Student Success: The Student Outreach, Assessment and Resources (SOAR) Model at NC State. Assessment Institute Conference, IUPUI Indianapolis, IN.


CEP 531 鈥 Human Development Across Cultures
CEP 532 - Theories and Methods of Counseling
CEP 535 鈥 Vocational Counseling
CEP 538 鈥 Clinical Practicum 1
CEP 539 鈥 Clinical Practicum 2
CEP 610 鈥 Advanced Internship in Counseling 1
CEP 611 鈥 Advanced Internship in Counseling 2
CEP 612 鈥 Cross-Cultural Counseling
CEP 683 鈥 Advanced Clinical Practicum in Counseling 3
CEP 684 鈥 Advanced Clinical Practicum in Counseling 4
FYS 100 - Social Justice, Change and Leadership: Be the Change YOU Want to See

Additional Information

Clinical Interests
Grief and Loss
Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Affirming Counseling

Research Interests
Pet Loss and Human Bereavement
Multicultural Perspectives in Counseling
GLBTQIA Affirming Counseling Practices

MS- Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program

CGS- Advanced Counseling Certificate

Faculty Advisor/Chapter Faculty Advisor for Rho Iota Chi Chapter of Chi Sigma Iota

International Honor Society