Dr. Leonardo Pinheiro

Leonardo Pinheiro
Department, Office, or School
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Graduate Committee
Council of Ƶ
  • Associate Professor


Ph.D, Mathematics - Bowling Green State University, 2014

M.Sc., Mathematics - Bowling Green State University, 2007

B.Sc., Mathematics - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, 2002

Selected Publications

Burke, J., Burke, M., Pinheiro, L., & Richer, C. (2023). "Methods for counting the intersections of slopes in the flat torus." Transactions on Combinatorics, (), -. doi: 10.22108/toc.2023.135546.2023

K.C. Chan,  G.Kadel, L.Pinheiro, “Chaotic differentiation operators on harmonic functions and simple connectivity”, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales: Matematicas, Serie A; Milan Vol. 109, Issue 2, pp. 385-393, 2015.


Math 552 - Topics in Applied Mathematics: Mathematical Finance
Math 552 - Topics in Applied Mathematics: Introduction to Data Science
Math 552 - Topics in Applied Mathematics: Mathematical Modeling
Math 553 - Topics in Pure Mathematics: Functional Analysis
Math 550 - Topics: Convex Optimization 
Math 530 - Advanced Linear Algebra
Math 528 - Topology
Math 512 - Foundations of Higher Analysis
Data 460 - Seminar in Data Science 

Math 461 - Seminar in Mathematics
Math 436 - Discrete Mathematics
Math 417 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis
Math 345 - Linear Models for Data Science 
Data 345 Applied Linear Algebra for Statistical Learning
Math 314 - Calculus 3
Math 213 - Calculus 2
Math 212 - Calculus 1
Math 210 - Trigonometry
Math 209 - Precalculus Mathematics
Math 248 - Business Statistics I 
Math 177 - Quantitative Business
Math 139 - Contemporary Topics in Mathematics
Math 120 - Intermediate Algebra
Math 010 - Basics Math Competency

CSCI 141 - Applications of Artificial Intelligence 


Academic Interests

My research lays in the intersection of operator theory, functional analysis, and topological dynamics. I am particularly focused on the study of the dynamics of linear chaotic operators acting on topological vector spaces.  

I am also interested in statistical learning, applied statistics, and programming in R.