Nursing Simulation Program

We prepare students for professional, safe, and equitable nursing practice through innovative, experiential learning.
Simulation-based clinical education provides nursing students with opportunities to practice their clinical and decision-making skills through varied real-life situational experiences, without compromising the patient’s well-being.
Clinical Education

The discipline of nursing is an applied science which involves didactic theory courses and clinical practice. Clinical education in nursing aims to integrate theoretical knowledge into practical knowledge in real-life situations and assists students to develop their problem-solving skills. Hands-on learning is paramount, however, due to rapid changes in clinical placements, especially with the impact of the current COVID-19 pandemic, students’ direct experience with patient care and opportunities to handle problem-based clinical situations have been diminished.
Simulation-Based Learning

Simulation-based clinical education in nursing refers to a variety of activities using low to high-fidelity patient simulators (mannequins) that replicate real-world scenarios in a lifelike simulated environment. With realistic clinical scenarios and simulation-based educational interventions, nursing students can gain experience and confidence in providing safe, effective, culturally competent care.

Simulation Questions?