Elementary Education MAT Program Specifics

Bethzalie Carpio Sanchez MAT student
“The program challenged my understanding of the traditional role of an educator and provided me with the background, knowledge, and research to be an effective, flexible, and compassionate educator.”
Bethzalie Carpio-Sanchez ’22

Ƶ’s MAT in Elementary Education program allows you to earn a master’s degree with eligibility for certification in one year.

The program is rooted in equity, diversity, advocacy, and social justice values. Through reading, discussing, writing, and hypothesizing, prospective teachers learn elementary education theories and practices. Students also begin to build and develop their own processes and methods, guided and informed by Ƶ faculty in partnership with elementary classroom teachers and students.

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Apply for Graduate Admission

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Program Details

Program Details

  • earn a masters degree in one year
  • flexible options to finish in under 2 years
  • qualified to apply for

Admission Requirements

  • completed
  • statement of philosophy
  • official Transcripts of all undergraduate and graduate records which reflect attainment of a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in all college level courses culminating in a BS/BA degree
  • transcripts must reflect 60 liberal arts prerequisite credits, including 1 lab sciences, 2 maths, 1 arts, and 1 US History
  • 2 recommendation letters accompanied by 2 completed disposition forms
  • current resume
  • $50.00 application fee

Program Requirements

  • The MAT degree must be completed within 5 years (see Graduate Handbook).
  • To receive a degree, students must maintain a grade of B or higher in all coursework and receive an average of 3 on all FSEHD dispositions.
  • Fulfillment of State Certification Requirements is the responsibility of the graduate student (see Graduate Handbook).

Required Courses

Foundational Courses

The program begins with 3 foundational courses, which are prerequisites for all other Elementary Education courses:

  • FNED 546: Contexts of Schooling
  • CEP 552: Psychological Perspectives of Teaching and Learning
  • ELED 500: Learning and Teaching Seminar I

You may take them as an accepted MAT student or as a non-matriculating student in the process of applying to the program.

Content / Practica Courses
  • SPED 531: Overview of Special Education: Policies and Practices
  • TESL 401: Introduction to Teaching Emergent Bilinguals
  • ELED 522: Mat Teaching Reading Practicum
  • ELED 527: MAT Teaching Writing Practicum
  • ELED 528: MAT Teaching Social Studies Practicum
  • ELED 537: MAT Teaching Science Practicum
  • ELED 538: MAT Teaching Mathematics Practicum
  • *TESL 402: Application of Second Language Acquisition
  • *SPED 533: Special Education: Practical Applications } *choose one
Student Teaching Courses
  • ELED 554: MAT Learning and Teaching Seminar II
  • ELED 559: Student Teaching in the Elementary School
  • ELED 569: Learning and Teaching Seminar III

Total credits: 45

Sample Plan of Study

1 Year Intensive Spring/Summer Start

Summer I & IIFallEarly SpringSpring
ELED 500ELED 522ELED 554ELED 659
CEP 552ELED 527 ELED 569
SPED 531ELED 537  
ELED 528ELED 538  
FNED 546*TESL 402 or SPED 533 (Choose one)  
TESL 401   

2-Year Option

Year 1 Courses
FallSpringSummer I & II
FNED 546ELED 500SPED 531  TESL 401
CEP 552 ELED 528
Year 2 Courses
FallEarly SpringSpring
ELED 522ELED 554ELED 559
ELED 527 ELED 569
ELED 537  
ELED 538*TESL 402/SPED 533 (*choose 1) 

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the MAT program will:

  • demonstrate proficiency of the essential concepts in the core academic disciplines they will teach as they prepare, implement, assess and reflect on their own teaching and learning, and on student learning / growth
  • design and implement effective instructional practices in the core elementary education disciplines: Writing, Reading, Math, Science, Social Studies
  • design and implement academic and behavioral support and interventions that meet the needs of all learners, including multi-lingual learners and students with special needs
  • select and utilize formal and informal assessment strategies with individuals and groups of students to determine the impact of instructional learning to provide feedback and to plan for future instruction
  • make informed decisions about, and integrate appropriate uses of technology in their practice to improve learning
  • develop and demonstrate the cultural competence and culturally responsive skills for effective teaching within a diverse population of students, parents, and community by reflecting on their own biases and developing a deeper awareness of their worldviews
  • develop culturally responsive environments built on an equity framework “toward the pursuit of identity, skills, intellect, and criticality,” the goal being to “cultivate genius” in all students (G. Muhammad, 2020)
  • demonstrate proficiency in the knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions encompassed in the RI Professional Teacher Standards (RIPTS)
  • collaborate with families, educational personnel, and community agencies to advocate for best practices for all students/families, including multilingual learners and students with special needs
  • act intentionally to develop their professional growth and to contribute to the professional growth of colleagues
Ƶ entrance

MAT Program Coordinator

Department of Elementary Education

We offer accredited academic programs that prepare teachers to function effectively in early childhood and elementary school teaching positions.